Tax Administration
Pay County Taxes On-Line
The Tax Department is responsible for obtaining, developing, analyzing, and maintaining records necessary for the appraisal, assessment, billing, collection, and listing of taxes associated with real and personal property within the jurisdiction of the County and municipalities according to the state of North Carolina General Statutes. The Tax Department is required to provide information and research as well as maintain records for the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
General Services:
The Tax Department has three functional offices made up of Assessing, Collections, and Land Records.
The Assessing Office is responsible for assessing all real property located in Duplin County. A state-mandated revaluation of all real property is conducted at least once every eight years, the Board of Commissioners voted in 2017 to perform a county wide revaluation every 4 years. Each year, building permits are reviewed for new construction and additions to existing structures. The appraisal staff assists property owners and the public with questions about value. They are also responsible for processing applications for Land Use Value. The next county-wide reappraisal will again be conducted by state certified appraisers and is scheduled to be effective January 1, 2024.
The Assessing Office is also responsible for the proper listing and discovery of all personal property, business personal property, and motor vehicles located in or taxable by Duplin County. The Assessing Office is responsible for assigning the fair market value (retail) of such property for tax billing purposes. Assessing employees can assist you with questions regarding ownership, situs, description and value of personal property. Along with property listing and assessing, the Assessing Office processes applications for the Senior Citizen/Disability/Veterans exclusion as outlined in the North Carolina General Statute; conducts audits of all personal and business personal property accounts; and maintains the mailing addresses as submitted by the taxpayers or by the Department of Motor Vehicles for all personal property, business personal property and motor vehicle accounts.
The Collections Office is responsible for the collection of all property taxes levied by Duplin County. They are also responsible for all forced collection measures on all delinquent accounts including but not limited to garnishment of wages, attachment of grower payments, attachment of bank accounts, attachment of North Carolina State Income Tax refunds and foreclosure of property. They issue moving permits for mobile homes.
We now collect town taxes for the following: Calypso, Greenevers, Kenansville, Magnolia, Rose Hill, Teachey, Wallace and Warsaw.
The Land Records section of the Tax Department is responsible for maintaining the Duplin County property base map and real property ownership data. The property base map was built using the 2006 digital ortho-photography of Duplin County. Cadastral information includes property boundaries, road names, right-of-ways, acreages, lot dimensions, district boundaries and ownership information. We operate a Geographic Information System (GIS) using ESRI’s “ARCMap” version 10.8 software. The identification of property locations is available through our Online Mapping Services.
Tax Forms
Application for Property Tax Exemption
Application for Property Tax Relief
Certification of Disability
Certification for Disabled Veteran
2025 Request for Extension
Private Hauler Form (Certificate of Service)
Present-Use Value Application (Land Use)
Real Property Improvement Form
Appeal form Personal Property
Personal Property Damage Assessment
Real and Personal Property Information
These forms may be submitted by email to or mailed to the tax office at the address on the forms.
Related information:
Real and Personal property value billed by the Tax Office for 2024 was 4,303,560,258.
As of January 2024, there were 40,439 nonexempt parcels in Duplin County.
The last revaluation was effective January 1, 2017 and the next revaluation is scheduled to be effective January 1, 2025.
Tax Foreclosure Sale/Surplus Property Sale
See listing below for County currently owned property for sale.
Please deliver in person the completed Bid Form and Bid Deposit to:
Duplin County Tax Office
118 Beasley Street
Kenansville, NC
If you have any questions, please call Joan Barnette at 910-372-9352.