提供预防, promotion and protection measures to ensure the health of the community and environment by identifying and reducing health risks in the community; detecting, investigating and preventing the spread of disease; and promoting and providing the availability and accessibility of quality health care services in partnership with the community.
vns威尼斯vns9080卫生局和维丹特杜普林医院参与了区域社区卫生需求评估(中国). 我们是参与这一倡议的33个东部县之一. 中国监测以三年为一个周期,用于确定重点卫生问题和规划干预措施,以便在vns威尼斯vns9080建设更健康的社区. 我们目前正在收集 2021年CHNA 调查. 请接受这份匿名调查,以帮助我们确定我们需要改进的地方,以改善我们居民的健康.
访问 病人门户 vns威尼斯vns9080NC健康诊所(设置访问患者门户,请致电910-296-2130)